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Электронный каталог МУБиНТ, г. ЯрославльЭлектронный каталог МУБиНТ, г. РыбинскЦентр иностранной литературыСводный каталог НТЛ по Ярославской области"Руконт"-Национальный цифровой ресурсЭлектронный каталог выпускных квалификационных работ

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    Hardy, Thomas.
    Far From The Madding Crowd, Level 5 [Kit] : художественная лит-ра / T. Hardy. - [S. l.] : Oxford University Press, 2000. - !okolhr.pft: FILE NOT FOUND! . - ISBN 0-19-423064-3 : 750 р.

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    Levy, Andrea.
    Never Far from Nowhere [Text] / A. Levy. - [S. l.] : Mackays of Chatham plc, 1988. - 282 p. - ISBN 0-7472-5213-0 : Б. ц.
Аннотация: Olive and Vivien are sisters, born in London to Jamaican parents and brought up on a council estate.They go to the ame grammer school. Vivien's life becomes a chaotic mix of friendships, youth clubs, skinhead violance, A-levels, discos and college.Olive, three years older and skin shade darker, has a very different tale to tell...

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    Maugham, W. Somerset.
    Far Eastern Tales [Text] / W. S. Maugham. - [S. l.] : Vintage, 2000. - 277 p. - (Vintage Classics). - ISBN 0-099-28284-4 : Б. ц.
Аннотация: Far Eastern Tales is a collection of Maugham's short stories, all born of his experiences in Malaya, Singapore and other outposts of the former British Empire. Whether portraying a ship-borne flight from a lover's curse, murder in the jungle or the remembered East of a repatriate's suburban home, they all reveal Maugham at his best — sometimes caustic, sometimes gently comic, but always the shrewd and human judge of character and soul.

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    Flintoff, Andrew.
    Being Freddie. My Story so far. [Text] / A. Flintoff. - [S. l.] : Clays Ltd, 2006. - 282 p. - ISBN 0-340-89631-0 : Б. ц.
Аннотация: Worshipped by England fans for his phenomenal match-winning performances as England regained the Ashes after eighteen years, Andrew Flintoff is a cricketing superstar like no other.His development has been spectacular- he was England's best best player at the 2003 world Cup, Man of the Series against the West Indies the following winter, and his regarded as his finest all-rounder since Ian Botham.

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Шифр: T468357/2009/390/8613

The Economist [Text] : The Economist Newspaper Limited, 1843 -
2009г. т.390 N 8613
The Arabs and Israel/ The hundred years' war. - P.9
British manufacturing/ Coming in from the cold. - P.11
America's budget/ After the recession, the deluge. - P.11
Energy in the European Union/ Gas wars. - P.12
The struggle for Gaza/ Where will it end?. - P.22
Israel's military stretegy/ Two eyes for an eye. - P.23
Russia, Ukraine and gas/ Pipe down. - P.25
France's minority politicians/ Ethnic troubles. - P.26
Montenegro's economy/ Aluminium worries. - P.27
The left in Italy/ Scuola di scandalo. - P.28
Poland's public television/ Tragedy or farce?. - P.28
Charlemagne/ Of antibiotics and globalisation. - P.30
Interest rates/ Combating the recession. - P.31
Saving jobs/ Holding back the tide. - P.32
The death of Sir Alan Walters/ Mrs Thatcher's monetarist guru. - P.32
Bagehot/ Year of judgment. - P.33
Ghana's election/ A fine example. - P.34
Ethiopia and Somalia/ A dangerous vacuum. - P.35
Iraq/ Sovereign, sort of. - P.35
Morocco/ Don't be rude to the king. - P.36
The budget/ Waiting for God-only-knows-what. - P.37
The new surgeon-general/ Health screen. - P.38
Transitional woes/ Reality check. - P.38
Barack Obama's BlackBerry/ Subject: Russia and China. - P.39
California's budget/ Crimson tide. - P.39
Student loans/ College on credit. - P.40
Consumer finance/ The layaway way. - P.41
Texas politics/ Happy together. - P.41
Lexington/ Leading the lawmakers. - P.42
Politics in Brazil/ Lula's last lap. - P.43
Politics in Colombia/ Third time unlucky?. - P.44
Quebec's demography/ The cradle's costly revenge. - P.44
Housing in Argentina/ Misery in their midst. - P.46
Sri Lanka/ The Tigers' last stand. - P.47
South Korea/ Parliamentary pugilism. - P.48
Indonesia's economy and the election/ So far so good. - P.48
Land reform in China/ Users and losers. - P.49
India's traditional crafts/ Looming extinction. - P.50
Libel tourism/ A threat to free speech. - P.51
Nuclear safeguards/ Every little helps. - P.52
Second-act chief executives/ Comeback kings?. - P.53
Steve Jobs/ One of a kind. - P.54
Scandal at Satyam/ India's Enron. - P.54
Business in Indonesia/ Bakrie bounces back. - P.55
Adolf Merckle/ Empire lost. - P.56
Corporate jets/ Deeply uncool. - P.56
Face value/ Neelie Kroes, Europe's competition enforcer. - P.57
Rolls-Royce/ Britain's lonely high-flier. - P.58
Emerging markets/ Stumble or fall?. - P.61
Banks and private equity/ Roll up, roll up. - P.62
Buttonwood/ Yielding to none. - P.63
Governance in Hong Kong/ Indefensible. - P.64
Risk aversion/ The bonds of Time. - P.64
Economics focus/ Drastic times. - P.65
Science policy/ Blessed are the geeks, for they shall inherit the Earth. - P.66
The environment/ Green Bush. - P.67
Astronomy/ The cosmic boogie-box. - P.67
Solar energy/ Seeing red. - P.68
Neuroscience/ Sound and no fury. - P.68
Central bankers/ Lords of finance. - P.69
Scotland and England/ Unkilting the myths. - P.70
Europe's first financiers/ The Genoa connection. - P.70
Political posters in Lebanon/ Clenched fists and AK-475. - P.71
Skiing/ The white stuff. - P.71
Henry Moore's fabrics/ Cloth art. - P.72
Amazon worldwide bestsellers/ J.K. Galbraith's worlds of warning. - P.72
Helen Suzman/ Fighter against apartheid. - P.73
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