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Электронный каталог Центра иностранной литературы - результаты поиска

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Электронный каталог МУБиНТ, г. ЯрославльЭлектронный каталог МУБиНТ, г. РыбинскЦентр иностранной литературыСводный каталог НТЛ по Ярославской области"Руконт"-Национальный цифровой ресурсЭлектронный каталог выпускных квалификационных работ

Виды поиска: 
Стандартный Расширенный По словарю

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Общее количество найденных документов : 1
Шифр: T468357/2009/390/8614

The Economist [Text] : The Economist Newspaper Limited, 1843 -
2009г. т.390 N 8614
The 44th president/ Renewing America. - P.9
Sri Lanka/ Chronicle of a death foretold. - P.10
The Gaza war/ Long past time to cease fire. - P.10
World economy/ Accelerating downhill. - P.11
Britain's credit-guarantee plan/ Buddy, can you insure a loan?. - P.12
Technology in the recession/ Less is Moore. - P.13
George Bush's legacy/ The frat boy ships out. - P.23
Germany/ Angela Merkel's big political year. - P.27
Germany's economy/ How very stimulating. - P.28
Russia, Ukraine and gas/ War-war not jaw-jaw. - P.28
Energy in eastern Europe/ Gasping for gas. - P.29
Charlemagne/ Energetic squabbles. - P.30
Heathrow/ Gordon's gamble. - P.31
Getting banks to lend/ A gallant effort. - P.32
Scotch whisky/ Off to see the world. - P.32
Social mobility/ It's still not fair. - P.33
The war in the Gaza Strip/ The outlines of a settlement. - P.34
Hamas and diplomacy/ The pressures mount. - P.35
The role of the media/ A war of words and images. - P.36
Gaza and the laws of war/ A thousand tragedies. But is it a crime?. - P.37
South African politics/ The charges against Jacob Zuma. - P.38
Albinos in east Africa/ A horrendous trade. - P.38
The transition/ Ready for Day One. - P.39
Washington prepares/ Huddled masses. - P.41
Hillary Clinton at State/ Not necessarily a team of rivals. - P.41
Adult literacy/ The Readers. - P.41
The Rod Blagojevich saga/ The second act. - P.42
New wilderness/ Where the wild things are. - P.43
Parties/ Debuting in the downturn. - P.43
Lexington/ Law v common sense. - P.44
Canada/ A sticky ending for the tar sands. - P.45
Brazil's army/ What's it for?. - P.46
Venezuela's indigenous people / A promise unkept. - P.46
Dissent in China/ A tough year ahead. - P.47
Vietnam's press/ Muting the messengers. - P.48
Thai politics/ A fillip for the prime minister. - P.48
Bhutanese refugees in Nepal/ Point of no return. - P.49
The war with the Karens/ Unequal struggle. - P.49
South Korea's financial prophet/ Behind bars. - P.50
Nepal and the United Nations/ Another fine mission. - P.50
Global migration and the downturn/ The people crunch. - P.51
Tracking freedom/ It never stays long. - P.53
Technology firms in the recession/ Here we go again. - P.55
Nortel/ The bigger they come. - P.56
Corporate finance/ The great dilution. - P.56
Business in China/ Not playing. - P.57
The Satyam scandal/ Offshore inmates. - P.58
Apple/ Steve Jobs steps down. - P.58
The car industry/ Bright sparks in Detroit. - P.59
Face value/ Carol Bartz, the tough new boss of Yahoo!. - P.60
The car industry/ The big chill. - P.61
Citigroup/ A house built on Sandy. - P.64
Buttonwood/ In praise of volatility. - P.65
The Securities and Exchange Comission/ Growing insecurities. - P.66
China's trade/ Surplus to requirements. - P.66
Europe's economy/ Nowhere to hide. - P.67
Insurance/ Flames, claims and automobiles. - P.67
Economics focus/ Why are people generous?. - P.68
Psychology/ The price of prejudice. - P.69
Animal behaviour/ The song of songs. - P.70
Neuroeconomics/ Digitally enhanced. - P.70
Deforestation and extinction/ Second life. - P.71
American presidential history/ Honest Abe, reborn. - P.72
The financial crisis/ Don't forget the benefits. - P.73
Political thriller/ A Washington debut. - P.73
Buffalo in America/ Born again. - P.74
Archibald Wavell/ A clever chap, and modest. - P.74
Gustavo Dudamel/ A "yes we can" maestro. - P.75
Richard Neuhaus/ The neocons' priest. - P.76
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