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Сводный каталог НТЛ по Ярославской области - результаты поиска

Базы данных: 
Электронный каталог МУБиНТ, г. ЯрославльЭлектронный каталог МУБиНТ, г. РыбинскЦентр иностранной литературыСводный каталог НТЛ по Ярославской области"Руконт"-Национальный цифровой ресурсЭлектронный каталог выпускных квалификационных работ

Виды поиска: 
Стандартный Расширенный По словарю

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Общее количество найденных документов : 2
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    Walton, Richard.
    Focus on First Certificate [Text] : Grammar Practice for the Revised Exam / R. Walton ; ed. S. O'Connell. - [S. l.] : Longman Group Ltd, 1997. - 80 p. - ISBN 0-582-29096-1 : Б. ц.
Аннотация: Focus on First Certificate Grammar Practice provides extra practice in the main grammar and vocabulary areas covered in Focus on First Certificate. There are 12 units corresponding to the units of the course, with cross references to the Study Boxes and Focus on Grammar sections. Focus on First Certificate Grammar Practice can also be used as a free-standing workbook for students who wish to prepare for the Cambridge First Certificate examination.

Держатели документа:
МУБиНТ : 150003, г. Ярославль, ул. Советская, 80

Доп.точки доступа:
O'Connell, Sue \ed.\
Свободных экз. нет
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    Walton, Richard.
    Focus on First Certificate Grammar Practice [Text] / R. Walton ; ed. S. O'Connell. - [S. l.] : Nelson, 1993. - 80 p. - ISBN 0-17-556440-X : Б. ц.
Аннотация: Focus on First Certificate Grammar Practice provides extra practice in the main grammar and vocabulary areas found in Focus on First Certificate. There are 12 units corresponding to the units of the course, with cross references to the Study Boxes and Focus on Grammar sections. Focus on First Certificate Grammar Practice??can also be used as a free-standing workbook for students who wish to prepare for the Cambridge First Certificate examination.

Держатели документа:
МУБиНТ : 150003, г. Ярославль, ул. Советская, 80

Доп.точки доступа:
O'Connell, Sue \ed.\
Свободных экз. нет
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